Young Cricketers Development Program 
Major Sports Program 
After the initial success of the overseas cricket tours, it was decided that the program should be expanded so that other young sportsmen and sportswomen should also be given similar opportunities. Thus, the initive of the Major Sports Development Program was created. 

Much like the Young Cricketer's Development Program, we seek to give young sportsmen and sportswomen the opportunities not only to travel and represent their country in competitive sports - but too also experience the different cultures and lifestlyes of their compatriots from differnt countries. We encourage them to take the opportunity to make new freinds - be-it locally, nationally or internationally - with people of similar ages who share their passion for the sport they participate in. We also seek to organise multi-nation competitions so that these young players are pitted against the best from a variety of nations. 

We are always looking to become involved in new sports. Recently we got involved with netball and were fortunate enough to travel to Brunei and Malysia to compete against the Brunei National team, as well as take part in a netball tournament featuring hst country Malaysia, Australia and Sri Lanka. 

So if you or your children are involved in a sport that is played internationally, please contact us and find out if we can arrange a overseas tour with regards to that sport. 

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